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Curve Z height Adjustment


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Looking to adjust the Z height of specific parts of a profile in order to scan the whole area in one go. I know how to set the Z height for the whole run, however, I can't seem to figure out how to adjust the Z midway through the profile so I can make it around an obstruction. Any help would be appreciated.

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It sounds like you need to cut the curve (create new segment) so you can input additional clearance data so the probe will clear your obstruction. Creating segments will allow you to do just that, basically you're just creating a different section to be scanned within the same curve feature.
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Thanks for the info so far. We are using 3D curve. We understand the curve segment feature, we use it currently to make it around standoffs. What we are looking for is a way to offset the Z-height similar to the picture attached.373_f7316677a2816e246dfecb95a00d0f91.jpg
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With 3D Curve it's a little trickier. With a Curve (2D Curve), you could simply go to the menu for Nominal Data then Nominal Geometry Manipulations/Modify Nominals then Click on the Coordinate Axes Direction/Translation and entering in the value that you want the curve to move in the appropriate axes field. With 3D Curve, while you could do the same process as with Curve, but it's likely you would end up with incorrect vector information for some of the points. The easiest way I can think of to accomplish what you are after is to create a new 3D Curve. CAD/Creating features/Point Set/3D Curve then Generate Path, From Curve(s) if you've Sectioned the model at the new height or Single Points to create the Nominal set and probe path.
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So I'm the one who needed this question asked originally, but I didn't have a forum account so I had to have my poor coworker ask it for me. I'll add a little more info.

Relating to the picture Ryan posted, the part that is giving me trouble is the creation of the angled segments on either end of the curve. In this case the measurement is from right to left, starting at ~.026" in the -Z direction, scanning at an angle until it reaches ~.130", and then angling up more sharply to end at a height of ~.09". Technically this is done in 2 segments (the middle section has a standoff pin we skip over) but the full curve feature appears to have been created in one go. If the geometry at the very bottom of this part matched the way I need, I would use that to create my curve and then use Modify Nominals to move it up the plane it's measuring across, as Richard suggested, but it doesn't. Do I have to use the section tool to create sections that exactly match up end-to-end in order to create this?
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It is entirely possible there a more elegant solution but it's difficult to say for sure with the information provided. Have you been able to get Curve training? It's a worthwhile 3 days.
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