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Flatness strategy


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Hi all. Can you please tell me on this particular plane what should I set up in polyline ? Flatness up to 0.012mm
I spoke with engineer and he said that it could be up to 0.04mm on the whole plane, but should be within 0.012 on inner box which is everywhere around bolt holes and counter bores a part of outside plane. Anyway let's say that tolerance is 0.012mm. Can you please tell me how many points and step in this situation ? Can you also please send me a strategy, I am not sure what the standard is. When step should be 1mm, 0.5mm etc... Thanks in advance.280_aa7e998b05561cd589903e7ff848c306.jpg
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I think your polyline is a bit over kill. I think you could eliminate a lot of those lines and still have enough coverage. That would also reduce the amount of time it takes. I usually use .1 step width when in millimeters. That means a point is taken every .1mm that the probe travels in the scan. If you have a different tolerance around the holes I would create two planes. One that scans the whole plane and one that only scans around the holes.
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Try creating separate features for each scan criteria. One feature for the area that must be under 0.012 mm and another feature to evaluate the whole surface. Also, I would recommend slowing down your scan speed to around 3 mm/s
The Zeiss Measuring Strategies Cookbook is a valuable document to have on hand for determining best practices for scanning speed and filter settings.
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Daniel has got the right answer. If you have one area of the part that requires a flatness of 0.040 and another area that requires 0.012, that's two separate flatness callouts. Talk to your engineer and get these areas as defined as possible. From past experience I know when details like that are fuzzy and you can't get anyone to initial a fuzzy detail, when that fuzzy detail turns into a problem, people can get real fuzzy about the details of any conversation concerning fuzzy details.
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