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Offline programming for different machines


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Hey everyone, I got a quick question I'm hoping you guys can help me out with. So I make about 90% of the programs offline and have set up all machines the same way and we run the same programs on all the machines, up to this point they have all been Duramax but we got a O-Inspect now and Im just trying to figure out how this is gonna work.

When I program offline can I select which machine im programming for?

If I am making a program that is only using the touch probes can it be run on the Duramax and O-Inspect without any issues or changes?

Does anyone have any resources on O-Inspect? I have no experience with the O-Inspect and I've messed around with the camera briefly which is impressive but have had trouble finding any resources on how and what I can do with it. I am going to take the Calypso O-inspect Basic training but unfortunately they are all full until November and I can't wait around that long without doing anything with the machine.

Thank you for the help you guys have always been super helpful.
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Yes, a program written on the DuraMax should run fine on the O-Inspect. However, if you take a star stylus system from the DuraMax and put it on the O-Inspect, the star probe will be rotated 90 degrees. ASSUMING you have the same XXT sensor on both machines. DuraMax generally comes with a TL-3 and the O-Inspect could come with either TL-1 or TL-3. Ideally, if you specify TL-3, then you can share probe adapters.

So, if you build a separate stylus system for each machine, the program will run just fine.
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You select the machine like you would on a real CMM: By setting up the correct machine type and connecting to it.
If you set up an O-Inspect, note that you won't get a decent CMM model in simulation (as there is none), just a basic "granite" table and some rudimentary representations of the head etc.
Also note that programming optical measurements offline can be a PITA, as Calypso wasn't really made for that. It's possible, but I don't recommend it at all. It may have improved a bit in Calypso 2018, but I couldn't test it yet.
And while you can set all lighting options offline, you'll certainly have to re-teach them on the real machine unless you have very uniform parts that always use the same kind of lighting.
Simulation of O-Inspect programs failed completely for me in the past. No big surprise that it can't detect collisions without a proper CMM model and no camera, but when I say failed, I mean it just throws a lot of system errors and then shows the red light. Not very professional.
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