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2018 upgrade


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We upgraded to Calypso 2018 yesterday. Three CMMs. On one of them, the probe rack has mysteriously lowered by about 8mm (or so it seems). We can't change out probes. The head is coming in too high. Is there a global setting that I need to re-set? If not, did they move the rack alignment procedure? I can't seem to find it. Frustrated...
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Did you try defining the holder location again? I only have 2017, and it is in the Automatic stylus change window, so if you know where it was in there, then they may have moved it.
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Just saying, information on machine type might be helpful, not sure since all we have are prismo's but i'm sure different machines probably have different procedures for the rack.

Hopefully someone else has run into this before and has an answer.

If not, if you have the old machine config (hopefully it was backed up), usually you can copy it over the new one in order to upgrade once the install is complete - might be worth getting Zeiss on the phone to walk you through it if you have a copy of the old config folder.
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That's where I thought it was, but I'm looking for something called 'rack alignment' or 'stylus holder alignment' or something along those lines. I'm going from memory here, so don't quote me. The only thing that I see in the Auto stylus change window that makes sense is the 'Approach parameters' in the Changer section. But I don't think that is what I want. I need to re-align the stylus holder rack (evidently). It seems strange to me that of the 3 CMMs that we upgraded yesterday, this one machine is the only one that has this issue.
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All three of you are right. I'll have to claim 'Senior Moment' to get out of this one. Once I tried it, things looked familiar and I got it done. I still don't know why this would change after an upgrade. Maybe there will be more surprises for us over the next few weeks! Thanks to Ted, Dave and Derek!
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