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Counting number of teeth with Waviness (FFT)


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Hello everybody,

i have to check the roundness of a tip diameter on many different parts, i don´t have any drawings so i don´t know the number of teeth. Roundness should be checked with singe points. Because I´m pretty lazy i don´t want to count the teeth on every singe part 😃
My solution would be to scan the complete gear with a big gage ball and use the Waviness (FFT) to get the number of the highest amplitude, this ist similar to the number of teeth. But with a Result Element i will only get the value of the highes amplitude, but not the value where the highest amplitude is.
Has anyone a good suggestion for me?

Greetings, Michael
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Scanning the OD of a gear? Use a 2d curve. Someone may have a better idea, but my suggestion would be to use a 2d curve. Under Resources/feature representation change to polar. You can then ask for the furthest points on the curve in any axis using minimum, or maximum coordinate. This will also give you the number of teeth.
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Its an internal gear, the teeth are about 1mm high.
Switching to polar is not possible at 2d-curve. I tried using the minimum coordiante feature, but thats no option because you get only one value. Its also possible that serveral furthest points are located at the same tooth because of form errors at the gearing.
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Measure ange between two teeth. 360/that is your number of teeth (rounded of) . Increase search distance to avoid collision/missing point. Use self centering and spred out 2-3 points, that should give you the ange between two teeth, should be simple enough.
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Yes, switching to polar was for the maximum coordinate, not the curve.

I don't work with gears, but the closest thing I have is an 8 sided hex driver. I sliced through the model with a nominal plane to create my 2d curve. I just had to rotate to each lobe, then used the maximum coordinate in polar to get the max height value for each one.
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