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how to use a kink point


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Have been trying to get this to work but having no success, anyone have some pointers for me? it would be handy on a part I am doing right now. '
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3 features needed. For example and in this order; a 2d curve, 2d line, circle. Start with a curve, recall the curve points needed to create the line and circle = Kink point.
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Both planes at different heights?

I'm thinking three lines constructed from a curve?

So for example two lines in X & the 3rd is the dividing line in Z. This looks like a stair step?
Is this your situation?
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So, if I'm in front of the machine and this is what I see, in this view, you are working in the XY work plane?
How much land is available on that vertical wall? If it's big enough why don't you just probe the wall? I'm
betting you tried that already, why else would you be trying a kink point?
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I don't think kink will work here. Step Point might do the trick though and that's going to be an easier construction to build. A 2D Line that travels over the break in the two planes then one of the planes for your Datum. Your Step Angle will be 90 degrees. Make sure you use a Stylus that is not so small that it "catches" on the step or one that is so large that it fails to detect the step. I'm just guessing but somewhere between 1.5mm and 3mm ought to do the job nicely.
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It might, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. Do you have a Stylus System built in simulation for this? That would be your best chance at getting a result in Simulation.
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Def use step point, with a 1mm styli running slow.
You wont get a result in simulation, because you're not actually finding the drop off.
I have used step points with plain old Lines in the past very successfully.
and only 1.5mm long, so i could afford to scan slow

step point1.jpg

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Trying step point, but getting the ol pink result, is this because I am running in simulation, is it not going to give a result unless it actually measures the part? hate to do bunch of these and then have them not work. but if you think they will will go ahead. and we shall see. I am using a 2 d line, scanning slow, and one of the planes for the datum. the line is angled of course .
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