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Translating features or creating new ones question


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I recently had a model that needed to be modified as holes were in the wrong place on the model. I am sort of green to using the modify cad entities, have gotten to the point of being able to create and locate new cylinders, but they are sticking through the model as you would expect, (and I'm not even sure this is possible), are you able to "carve" out a portion of the wall of a cube to create a hollow cylinder going through the part, I.E creating the new holes in the correct location? In the past I've usually just cheated and placed the changed constructions I needed inside the model, but was just curious if there is a correct way to do it, in Calypso.



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I am not quite understanding your image, but I think I understand your question.

Calypso does not include any method to change the actual model.

You can move models around and rotate them, but you cannot add a hole through an existing model.

You can create a cylinder in a location that goes 'through' the model and then scan it, however the model itself will still appear solid.

If you want the model to be correct, you need to use an external modeling program like Solidworks, Inventor, ProE, Catia etc. to create the model and then load it into Calypso.

If you make sure the model origin is in the same place as your base alignment origin in calypso, it is no problem to simply go into Menu - Cad -> Modify CAD Entitites -> Heirarchy Tab highlight your part right click and choose delete

Then menu - CAD -> CAD File -> Load and load your updated model.

Then since none of your features will be linked to the model, you can use menu - CAD - CAD File - CAD Model comparison to re-associate the features in your program to the new model.

Fair warning - the cad model comparison is definitely not 100% effective, sometimes it does not find some features - its great when it works though.
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That's not entirely true 😉
In fact it's possible to perform rather complex modifications of your model without using any external software.
BUT it's a completely manual, non-intuitive and rather complicated process and Calypso has almost nothing to do with it. Prepare yourself for being thrown back to MS-DOS times (kind of). And have a pocket calculator nearby 😃

Everything can be done in the little ACIS window that can be made visible in the CAD settings. This window not only displays funny error messages, it's also a full-fledged commandline interface controlling the ACIS CAD core. Whatever Calypso wants to display in its CAD window (except O-Inspect camera pictures) it sends as a command to the ACIS CAD core. And through this window you can send commands too.

The only little problem is to learn the command language that does the magic. It has hundreds of commands. For a long time the docs of this language were freely available from Spatial (the maker of ACIS). Unfortunately this is no longer the case. But there exist other sources.

For a short demonstration, make the ACIS window visible, create a new empty measurement plan and then paste the following in the ACIS window:
(define wline(wire-body (edge:linear (position 0 0 0)    (position 0 50 0))))
(define path(wire-body:offset wline 5 "0.345*x"))  
(define p1(edge:linear(position 4 0 0)(position 6 0 0)))  
(define p2(edge:linear(position 6 0 0)(position 6 5 0)))  
(define p3(edge:linear(position 6 5 0)(position 4 5 0)))  
(define p4(edge:linear(position 4 5 0)(position 4 0 0)))  
(define profile (wire-body (list p1 p2 p3 p4)))  
(define my_rail (law "vec(cos(x),0,-sin(x))"))  
(define my_sweep_ops (sweep:options "rail_law" my_rail))  
(define my_sweep (sweep:law profile path my_sweep_ops))  
Of course you can also make holes or add things to your model (= boolean operations). This is not nearly as complicated as the code above suggests.
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