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So I learned something new today. I upgraded my off-line seat to 6.4 (2017) and created a couple of new programs. Transferred them to my CMM running 5.4 and they would not run, not sure what I was thinking really.

I opened up a new program (on the 5.4 CMM) and copied the features and characteristics into it and everything ran great! I got lucky but this is a workaround that I will need to use for a while, until all machines get their new computers up an running with 6.4.

Just wanted to throw that out there in case anyone else is in my situation. Have a great weekend all!
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We received our Planner seat 6.4 software and I had to call 3 times to get the entitlement update to get the cmm up to 6.4. I explained 3 times that I was programming at 6.4 and the cmm was at 6.2. Seems like it would be better to send it all at once,.
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Honestly, I can't remember if saving the program after setting the "perform as created with software Rev level" will allow you to open it on an older version or not but, give it try
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As long as you haven't used any features that are unique to the new version, you can copy the "inspection" file to a new folder and then open that up. This will work in most cases.

A few things to keep aware of, you will not have the "inspset" file so you may want to go through the Characteristic Settings editor and verify that any changes you made from your system defaults are kept, like Additional Position Results, etc. Also double check you Navigator settings if using Navigator.

This isn't so much a work around as a way to save yourself some trouble if you accidentally save a program in a newer version and need to go backwards with the least amount of work.
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