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Want old custom printout


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Just upgraded from a rather old version of Calypso to v2017. In the old version (and copied over to the new installation) we had a 'custom printout' designed using the 'default compressed' template. While the new Pi-Web reports are wonderful, at this time we want to keep using the old custom printout we had.

Old programs work like they did in the old version, and when starting a run I can select the custom printout. New programs I'm creating won't give me that option. Does anyone know what I'm talking about (lol) and know how to get a new program to not force me to use a pi-web type report format? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Thank you!
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I know what you're talking about 🤠 and what you describe is intentional behavior in 2017 and later versions. For new plans PiWeb is the default while old plans keep the old settings. To disable PiWeb reports in a new plan, open the multiple printout dialog and uncheck the checkbox in the upper left.
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Was your customized printout using a new name or did you just modify the "default compressed" template? If the latter, the template was overwritten when you upgraded.

In Multiple Printout, the old custom printout is referred to as the Presentation printout.
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Tom, I kept a backup copy of all files in the 'zeiss' directory so I could restore/recreate anything that got overwritten. 😉
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Norbert, that was what I needed! I just hate to tell you how long it took me to find the 'multiple printout dialogue'... lol! Thank you all!
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