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I program a lot of small parts with small clearance areas & geometry & I was wondering if there is something I may be missing in regard to changing the speed of movement throughout a program?

Specifically, after I have measured my feature on slow (Measurement Plan Editor Speed down to 20) due to clearances and tight fits, to speed back up during a probe change...
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I may not be 100% correct in my explanation, but the speeds i use im my programs are....
Start window Speed
This is the speed the probe moves while outside the clearance cube, or not directly measuring a feature.
Measurement plan editor speed
This is the speed the probe moves inside the clearance cube, or while approaching a feature to measure.

In the program shown the program moves at 300mm/s for the entire program, even probe changes, but i use a little fragile star probe at the end to get into some tight spots. So the CMM moves at 300mm/s for everything, then it parks the 2mm probe and picks up the 1mm star cluster and runs to the part at 300mm/s, but once its at the Z+ of the work envelope directly over the part, it very slowly drops down into place and slowly moves in and out from the features and back to Z+, then runs to the park position at 300mm/s


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I knew about those settings and experimented but I just wish there was a way to just be able to change the speed of when probes are changed 😭
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  • 1 month later...
I feel your pain Shawn. We use the "Slow through first feature" option in the run window in case one of the operators happen to misload a part and if there happens to be a stylus change at the beginning of the program it takes for...ev...er!! I'd also like a way to have more precise control over the speeds, ie "Slow through first feature" but full speed during probe change.
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