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What's the link for the customer suggestion submission page?


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I've been looking how to find it also recently, but only came up with this..
https://academy.imt.zeiss.com/Software/ ... 0714174123
Which is an old reference to it:

"Counter: 78

On the metrology portal welcome page under Community Features there is a button called "Wish List". Has anyone submitted a wish list item and gotten any response from Zeiss?
Robert Connors | 07-14-2010 05:41 PM "

The wish list item apparently is gone, so I'm not sure currently. Also, doing a random search, couldn't find anything other than what brought me to the main "old" portal page. If you find it lemme know.
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The wish list item is indeed gone, but it had already stopped working for me for quite some time before it vanished. I had been trying to enter at least four wishes with extensive explanations, only to get an error message at the end and all my text was lost.
My personal impression is that nobody at Zeiss really cared about that list anymore. When it was started years ago, Zeiss claimed that the 3 or 5 best voted wishes would be implemented in the next Calypso release. For some time this was true and they used to add a small marking with the designated version number to the corresponding entries (two in my case, but the "implementation" was totally different from what I had asked for and very unsatisfying). I haven't seen any such marking in a long time. Maybe they will start something new on the new portal, maybe it's gone forever.

As to your suggestion: I think this would be very difficult to implement. As far as I understand it, the measurement plan is completely restarted for every pallet item, so Calypso would have to store the temporary results for each pallet item when it goes to the next part (like when you load another measurement plan when another one is still open and already has results). It's not an impossible task, but would require a whole new concept behind Autorun.
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Zeiss has no inclination to do anything besides what they want to do. Listening to the customer is way low on their priority list.

When you have a function that will nuke every single pdf file in a folder without warning you...and then support says that they know about it but aren't going to do anything about it...that's ridiculous. It happened to us. Four years of reports, along with any other pdfs that may have in that folder, were deleted. Pure laziness on the part of the coders.
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John, Are you referring to the Limit function in the Results to File window? I contacted Zeiss about this and they replied with verbiage from the Help file stating that is how the limit works. In my classes, I would instruct students to not set a limit on pdf's or set a very big limit like 999,999. Then what's the point of a limit?
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Tom, yes. That's the one.

First of all, the only way to even get an inclination that this would happen is if someone actually went to the help file for this. The description of the function "limit pdf" is not confusing so there's nothing that would make anyone go to the help file. Even if he would have gone to the help file, it only says "the oldest file", not every single pdf file. So the real ramifications are not at all made clear. What happens is the program just looks for the pdf extension and deletes it. This can't be that hard to fix. The thing that irritates me the most is that this has happened to more folks than just me and they still won't do anything about it. Like I said, it can't be that hard to fix, or at the very least have a banner pop up that says "You're about to delete every single pdf file in this folder Are you sure?"
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Yes...exactly! That was another point that was brought up.

Zeiss does what they want to do. Listening to the customer is just a nuisance that they have to deal with...or not. My negative experience with them last week pushed me over the edge. I'll never recommend Zeiss products to anyone again. I've also noticed that they no longer send out feedback emails after calls for support. They probably got tired of all the negative feedback and just did what they always do...stop listening.
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Do you have experience with other CMM products? I would venture to guess that they all have some issues. Even though I may be a bit biased, I think it's the best CMM product on the market.

I would have to question the practice of not having important files on your system backed up. This time it was pressing the wrong button. Next time, it might be a crashed hard drive. We've probably all wished we had saved something or back up something a time or two. 😃
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Tom, whether or not we had the files backed up is not the issue. That's kind of like complaining that Calypso crashes every 10 minutes and the response from Zeiss is "Be sure to save your work every 9 minutes. We're not going to do anything about that."

Maybe Zeiss thinks that's legitimate though and that's why they haven't fixed it.

For the record, I never said that we didn't have the files backed up. I'm complaining about attitude that Zeiss takes towards their customer complaints. I haven't even said that the product itself was bad. This is 100% about their customer service. When I called about the issue the response pretty much as stated above. "Yes, they know about that but they've said they aren't going to do anything about it." So the complaint has been received over and over again, and they just don't care. Do you think that attitude towards customer complaints is okay?
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That pretty much corresponds with my experiences. Mine were not nearly as extreme as John's, but basically the attitude is the same. If you report something that is 100% clearly a bug they'll probably fix it. Anything else is a feature and was intended to work exactly like it does.
When we started to use Calypso they had just implemented the possibility to store probe rack assignments. We used this feature from the beginning, but soon we discovered that it was quite "dangerous". The assignments are not stored in a file on the hard drive, but instead in a database. When an assignment is loaded, it stays 'open' until it gets closed manually or another one is loaded. This means that whatever change is made to an opened assignment is immediately stored in the database without any warning. Not to mention that an assignment that was automatically loded during a CNC run stays open after ther run is complete.
It happened countless times that somebody wanted to modify the current rack assignment, but forgot to first close the last one opened. Since there's no warning at all, this often happens completely unnoticed. Until now this has only caused a number of machine downtimes, preferrably in night shifts, because the untrained Autorun operators don't know how to modify an assignment if e.g. a probe is missing. The best they can achieve is to stay beside the CMM and exchange probes manually, but they don't have time for that. I'm waiting for the day when it will cause a severe crash and Zeiss demands big $$$ for a new VAST head.

I made many attempts to get this problem on the desk of a programmer. Called support, entered a software wish, I even explained it to a trainer in a course, who promised to pass it on. But until today (years later) nothing has changed. In the meantime I discovered the reason: When I suggested to store the rack assignment in a course (to somebody who was asking about probe rack management), he apparently didn't even know this feature existed. I guess most of the long-term users don't use it or don't know it, so Zeiss only get's a few reports and probably decided they just won't care about that single grumbler complaining about it....
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