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Calibration Program


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Quick question about calibration programs. We have always located the sphere with the Master Probe then run each probe individually through the full qualification (12 positions using RDSCAA). However, I have no problem creating the calibration program and adding the "probing system qualification" and qualify passive. If you qualify passive, it only does the 6 positions not 12. Is this accurate enough or should we continue to use full qualification on each probe individually? Would appreciate any suggestions!

Thank You!
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Test the re-qualification of an RDS-CAA stylus system by reporting the Z value of a point on top of your part at A0/B0. Then, copy and paste this point and edit to A90/B0, and another at A180/B0 and another at A-90/B0 and so on. Compare the reported Z values. Then, do a Full Qualification and run your program again.

Please post the variation.
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Your re-qual looks better than the full qualification. In years past, the re-qual was considerably worse. Maybe the issue was fixed. Granted this is only in 1 direction involving only the A rotation but I've seen as much as .002" deviation on my machine, as well as a couple of our customers. Once, I tried to incorporate many other probe angles but never got around to it.
. 120_195748eaf3d610c9fd221f940ff0fd6c.jpg
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