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Base/Start Alignment names?


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hey guys, I wasn't even noticing this until an operator pointed it out. When I create a base alignment for a job it auto names it differently than the plan name. ie, if I name the plan "12345 Rev.p Pt.#5" the base alignment will be auto named "12345 Rev.p Pt.#6". Is there a setting to change this or is there a reason it does this?
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This is because when you created the new program, you already had a base alignment with the name "12345 Rev.p Pt#5" When you create a base alignment, usually the alignment name will be the same as the program name. While you're in the base alignment, there is a field at the top where you can see/edit the name.

Now, when you load a model into Calypso 6.4 (maybe 6.2, too), the base alignment name uses the model name. However if you do a save as, the base alignment name doesn't change to match the program name. So, my suggestion is to load the model, then immediately do a "save as" and save the program with the desired name. Then, when you create the base alignment, the alignment name will match the program name. This does not happen when creating a program in the teach mode. In teach mode, your default program name will be "Measurement Plan#" but the first time you do a "save as" and give it a new name, the BA name will change to match your program name. However, if you were to do another "save as", the BA name won't change on the 2nd time.

The name you give your base alignment doesn't have to follow any guidelines. It can be called whatever you want. When you open the Run window, the 3rd alignment down, after manual and current, will be the alignment assigned to the program. I think many people follow this protocol. However, let's say you have a family of parts that all use the same fixture, you could name the alignment with a general name and all programs can use the same alignment name.
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Tom, Thanks again my friend. Yep, that answers it. I'm doing reprograms for some jobs I did while self teaching before your class. The name of the BA doesn't mean a thing to me but the operator was all kinds of worried. We just did an upgrade so I didn't know if there was something that got changed along the way. Thanks again!
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