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Cartesian distans


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Good afternoon colleague, usual then i check distant between elements i use Cartesian distant whit out any base, and i most part of time it work correctly. But in some case it give incorrect result, in this case i try use base, but not full understand how it work. In pictures similar characteristics one give good result other give error. I work in planar so it can`t be error of part


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I don't quite understand the picture exactly, so this may not help much, but I think you are asking about the difference in cylinder and circle. I think the cylinder center is calculated differently, and/or you may have a really small separation in the circle paths of your cylinders which might give you weird numbers if that makes sense. Someone else here knows more I'm sure.
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Not quite enough information, but try Intersecting the cylinders with the ZX plane, and shell the result (circles) then use the shelled circles in the Cartesian distance, in place of the cylinders.
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you have measured cylinder, depth of cylinder is enough for measurement of cylinder. so this cylinder axis is not perpendicular to face and that might cause the problem.
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It was result of simulation, not measurement. So axis will be perpendicular to plane in this time. Distance from top plane to cylinder calculate good, and some time then i have same problem i add base to Cartesian distance and it become work good.
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