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Larger stylus system holder for O-INSPECT 322


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Does anybody know if there is a stylus system holder that is available for the O-INSPECT that will accommodate more than three stylus systems? I unfortunately have a complex part that may require five. In the Zeiss catalog, they only show the standard three bay holder. I have been manually inserting a fourth system, but that requires me to stay by the machine at intervals during the program run. If anybody has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

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The Zeiss shop (shop.metrology.zeiss.de) sells single XXT holders, but I don't know if they can be attached to the standard holder.
Would five holders even fit on the machine? On our OI 322 the maximum possible would be four - unless stacked in Z, but I wouldn't want to try that on a 322.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Weird, they used to offer a 6 bay changer for OI, looks like it's no longer available in the online shop. Only 5 were available to access by CNC, but the 6th bay was a good slot for the Master Probe.
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Wow! I really wish they still offered that. It would have worked out great for a series of parts that i'm inspecting.
I was just trying to eliminate using 1mm tip styli systems for the entire part. I guess i'll have to stick to the manual load method for the time being. Thanks for input.

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Awesome! You're the best! Thank you so much for finding this. Should let me start the program and forget it. 😃

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