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Can I use recalled nominals in a General Surface element?


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I have a part with a freeform surface (similar to a torus) and I need to report the surface profile out of the 36 points taken on 3 different diameters (3x12). The points are taken as space points with a rotational pattern, so I have 3 space point features, each with a pattern of 12 points.
I could do it with a freeform surface, but we have that option only on one CMM. I'd like to try the "General Surface" instead, but it doesn't allow me to recall points. I wouldn't care to probe all 36 points again, but how can I get the exact same nominals over to the general surface? Since I use a pattern, I only have the values of the first point, otherwise I'd just copy and paste.
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I've tried to use general surface before to "Combine Features" into 1, but had no luck (well i guess i had bad luck)
Sorry im of no help......
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I have never had any luck using a General Surface to evaluate a Freeform Surface evaluation.

Lacking Freeform Surface: In order to report a profile, I suggest extracting Max & Min spacepoint distances and calculating the profile from those.

...There may be an easier way, but two options include:

Reporting each spacepoint distance (masked, grouped, and tucked away), and then (using Max Feature & Min Feature for the group of reported spacepoints) --report Max/Min deviations with +/- tolerances.

Same as above, except: use a formula to create the absolute value for the Max/Min Deviations--Use Max Feature on the Max/Min deviations that were just created, and then create another formula to multiply the Max Feature x2

It's all way too complicated... which is why Freeform Surface is worth the $$ to have it on more than 1 machine.
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I feared an answer like this 😕
Maybe FF is worth the money if you really need it, but in our drawings surface profiles are very rare. Some time ago I even thought about cancelling the FF license.
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This won't help the fact that General Surface doesn't work for Freeform profiles, but I wanted to address your comment: "Since I use a pattern, I only have the values of the first point,"

You should have access to the values for all of the points in your rotational pattern.

To extract, you need to pull down a Point feature (for each point you need to extract), select Recall Feature Points, click the box at the top for "Show All Features In Patterns/Loops"-- Now you can extract the data of the additional points in the rotational pattern.

...at least if you use this method, you won't need to remeasure points.
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Thank you for the hints, but I think I'll have to reconsider the whole thing, seeing how much effort this would take. My intention was to quickly correct a mistake someone else made (he had recalled the points to a cone and checked its profile because that was what Calypso created when he clicked the surface 🙄 - he didn't know Calypso only guessed an approximation).
I think it's better to measure this with the optical 3D scanner.
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