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Min Max Pnts....


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I scan a plane.. Want to know Min Max points of said plane.
How accurate is the Min Max output under the Features window at the bottom? Reason being is if I add in a result element, and formula it up for MIN/Max of the plane I get different readings.

Never had to ask for the Min MAx on plane but Im running into issues where they may want that...
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You could double check it, by inspecting a surface twice. Just extract a plane, scan it with say 50 points, copy and paste that same plane, and check it again with the same scan path, but select single points. You "should" get the same highs and lows on each feature, right?
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Question: Are you looking for Max/Min for feature flatness, or Max/Min for feature location (such as Profile)?

I usually use Max Coordinate of Min Coordinate, and there is a difference between Actual Feature & Nominal Feature.

I would presume that using a Result Element to extract Min/Max Deviations would be using raw data, and may be including points that are filtered out of the feature (which may account for the variations)?
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