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Luer Measurments


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Does anyone have a way to measure Luer Tapers to the ISO Standard. I need to make a program that will tell me at what distance I reach the 6% Taper Angle (3.433°). Standard states that it has to be minimum of 7.5mm from Female Opening or Male Tip and gives me the Min/Max starting diameters. Using 2017 without PCM. TIA
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Isn't that done with gauges, and pressure tested, to make shure they really seal properly?

Sounds familiar, think I did this many years ago. Can't put my finger on how to do that in a cmm.
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Yes, Physical gaging is used but has the limitation of telling if the major diameter is good or minor is too small. The gage cannot indicate if the part is oversize at the minor diameter. We have parts that pass both gages but leak when assembled. Now the engineers are trying to find out what is actually bad, Female or Male luer.
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I know this might not help, but if it where my task, I would have 3d-scanned the parts and make a "digital assembly". This of cource require a scanner in the more expensive range, due to accuracy. Like a GOM or Zeiss comet.
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