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Possible bug?


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Calypso will not allow me to intersect a cylinder with a plane that runs in the same axis.
theoretically you should be able to intersect this with shell checked and have two possible outcomes... two vertical intersection lines running parallel with the cylinders axis.
See pic.
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🙁 that's what i was afraid of...

That's not the AUKOM way... Just Saying... 😠
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Clumsy workaround: create two theoretical planes perpendicular to the cylinder, one at each end. Intersect each of those with the cylinder to generate a circle. Then intersect each of those circles with the plane (to get a point). Now generate a 3D line from the two intersection points.
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Nice Aaron this will work!

Still the software should be able to accomplish this.
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Is this a normal geometric intersection or a curve intersection (don't know if Calypso has curve intersections at all - I never use curve 😕 )
The problem with a geometric intersection is that the result would be ambiguous. The nominal plane may be parallel to the cylinder axis, but the actual plane will almost always deviate. In this case the result is not 2 parallel lines but 1 or 2 curves on the cylinder shell.
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These are all normal geometries, no curve.
I can agree with that point, but of course nothing in the real world is perfect.
theoretically this conclusion could be made for many construction that calypso offers.
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