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Cone Addition


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Hi guys.

Anyone knows why I can't switch to position options ? 280_c9eda48a186fd34c66e73ab97d0e16e3.jpg
I need to check diameter(or distance) in fixed place on the cone. I have done alignment with intersection plane. Another probelm is why I have two different results between using 'cone addition' and intersect therotical lines with cones (x4) and then create a circle.
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You can get a diameter at a plane. But you are asking for a position at a plane. The position IS the plane.
As far as the difference between an actual cone ( 2 to 3 circle paths ) and an angled series of 4 line intersections, The cone is a more complete check of the feature, It uses a large number of points to construct a 3d feature. The 4 points will not reflect a possible out of round condition as well as the cone feature. So if there is a fair amount of form error the 2 methods won't match very well.
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Yes of course, thank you. I have not been using calypso for a while now and I keep forgetting. This forum is so useful thanks !
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