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MMC formula


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I have a formula in my profile callout (see attached). Datum D is a 2.4409 dimension with a tolerance of ±.005 so my formula is:
2.4459-getAcutal(Datum D 2.4409).actual+0.005
My issue I am having is that it applies the bonus all over and don't in the X axis only (as the direction of the 2.4409 dimension is). Is there a way to control to have the bonus only apply it this way or not?


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My guess is Calypso does not allow you to apply the MMC to the datum on profile because profile will be dependent on orientation.

Imagine even a flat face that is supposed to be parallel to another feature, if it is actually perfectly parallel then your move in one direction would be correct. If it rotated off from the nominal angle, then position in the other direction would also impact the result of the profile measurement.

Without a sketch or something trying to give a worthwhile answer is just making guesses, but overall if you wanted to attempt to do something like this I think you would have to do it by altering the nominal location of the feature to check, not by using MMC, but I think this would still be wrong in most cases.
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I understand not getting Calypso to give you bonus off a secondary datum, ive had to go around that plenty of times myself.
but for the X only tolerance, why don't you select "X Only" as your tolerance zone? am i missing something?

So going forward, in the comment section of your TP you can add some code so your operators (and engineers) dont get confused by the constantly changing tolerance, or keep asking you "How much of that is bonus?".
go into your TP and click on "Comment" then right click in the comment window and click "Formula and copy the following text into the formula field.
"Base Tolerance = 0.0050" +cr()+ "Bonus Tolerance = "+ formatL(2.4459-getAcutal(Datum D 2.4409).actual+0.005,0,4)
or something like that
it should give you a nice easy readout something like
Base Tolerance = 0.0050
Bonus Tolerance = 0.0031

bonus tolerance1.JPG

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Hey Roberto, Why don't you use the MMC option and train the operators how to read the report? Am I missing something?
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Because that other CMM program will display Bonus as a separate line item, and some of our in process sheets have an entry position for bonus tolerance. So when my operators come at me and ask why Calypso doesn't have a Bonus column, i have to act fast and use PCM so they don't get the idea that calypso cant do something that the other program can.
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