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End Move Location in Program


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It is the little things you forget, but how do I program the machine to move after the program has completed. So an end location.
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As stated^^^^^^^^^^

Mr. Ryan taught me also, to click the icon with the MK letters in it. I forget why, but that's what I have always used...
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It will go to the set CP first then to the set park position. Set the stylus where you want it go, follow above path, click the MK icon and your all set.

Badda book badda boom
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I used to use MK which is the current Machine Coordinate of the probe when you select it but I have switched to using Clearance Plane Offset. MK is good unless you move your part. Machine will go to the original programmed location which may not be a clear path. (Made that crashing mistake before.) I use offset an offset distance in +Z and another in +Y. This will always move probe based on current part location.
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Also.. machine co-ordinate is tied to the probe it is created with, where as using clearance plane with offset will use whichever probe the program ends on.

If you have a program with multiple mini-plans and it ends on the wrong probe it may make a probe change to get the 'correct probe' to end with.

This is why I also use clearance plane with offset.
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Sure would be nice if there was an indicator that an end position was active in a program. Maybe on the cnc start button , or the run button. More than once I was startled by the sudden move at the very end of the program...Maybe a near miss or two! 😱
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There is one thing I always watch for. I have a Contura and a Duramax. I always try to make programs that can run on either machine if possible. If I program on the Contura and set a CNC end position I keep in mind where it would be on the Duramax. Six inches in Y might look good on the Contura but it would be into the probe rack on the Duramax.
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