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Calypso Registration (Dongle)


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We are upgrading our computers before our new CMM arrives next week, to run Calypso 6.4, an upgrade from 5.6, and since it will be a few days before we swap out the old computers for the new ones, can we register the new computer to 6.4, and continue using the old computers running 5.6? Or do we have to upgrade the old computers to 6.4 for them to work with the old registration? I hope I am making sense.
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Good question that I really don't have an exact answer to so, I'd call the Calypso help hotline 1-800-327-9735 to be sure.
All our CMM's came with computers so, I suspect the dongle is inside of them.
With the new licensing restrictions, you will definitely have to call to have the new computer licensed to run everything.
At one time, some time ago, we ran one CMM off of two different computers and different versions because Gear-pro had to be upgraded to a newer version of Calypso we purchased but, they didn't upgrade it, so we used a KVM switch to change between the two different systems until the company that spent $100K upgrading the lunchroom got their priorities straight....lol
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You should be able to put the old and new licenses on the same dongle and use it at each of the computers. After all you paid for both licenses. I think you should be fine if you just install the new licenses to the dongle and register them in the usual way.

An alternative method would be to install both versions on the same (old) computer and later transfer the licenses to the new one. In that case you'll just have to copy over some additional license files from the old computer (somewhere in ProgramData), otherwise the dongle won't be recognized. We did that several times already whenever we replaced old computers.
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I could use the dongle up to 6.2. At that point I needed to call zeiss. They had to send me a file to import it to allow me to use 6.4.
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When I bought my seat, I specified I needed to be able to go back to version 5.0. The instructions I got worked flawlessly. I installed 6.4 on my new laptop and made sure it worked and I had all my options. I then uninstalled 6.4 and installed 5.0 and
it worked like a charm.
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