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Intersection of torus and cone


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It could be very ugly, especially because you're dealing with small feature sections.
I couldnt get a taurus to show up even as an option for intersections (Taurus have always been the "Cousin Oliver" of the calypso feature family) but i was surprised i couldnt get a cone & Circle to intersect either......
What i did get was 4 lines & 4 circles to intersect and construct into a circle, of which you can get the Z height and diameter from.
I would highly suggest (Insist) on using 3 or 4 touch points per line segment and circle.
I have intersected lines as short as 1mm long in the past with very stable results.
What you have to do is put the lines & circles down, then adjust the nominal X&Y's to be 0, and also Zero the rotational angles on the lines as needed.

cone and taurus1.png

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