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I was wondering if when I crate a new template for PiWeb it can be applied to all the inspection plans that have already been created or does it have to be done individually?
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I'm not aware a way to set a "default piweb template". Unless you can overwrite the original "StandardProtocol" template. However, when you upgrade, it will probably overwrite this, and you'll need to overwrite it again with your custom version, which you saved in another location.

I think the only option is to set up a "template" measurement plan where you can select the desired PiWeb template.

When you start a new program, instead of using "NEW" to create a program, you'll use "OPEN", select the template measurement plan. Then, immediately do a "SAVE AS" and give the desired program name.
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We have recently upgraded to the latest version of Calypso and have many programs already created and now we will want to have all of the report out to a new reporting system and all of them are using the older report style (custom report). What you were saying Tom I do not think answered my question. Can we change all previous programs to the new style report (when created) all at one time or do we have to do the change individually? I probably did not ask correctly or I just am not understanding your response.
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Hi Jason,

I misunderstood your dilemma. Good question though as there are many customer who will eventually have to convert everything over when Zeiss drops the old style reporting.
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As of right now you will have to reset your reports one at a time as you open them.
Zeiss will/should get something to convert when we are made to go to PiWeb!
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Thanks for all the information gentlemen. Rather frustrating considering we have just like everyone else have thousands of programs. 🙁
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yes it is frustrating! 🙄
Just have to Make it part of your process to check / reset when you open a program to run. 🙂
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One of my pet peeves about the reporting is no ability to set up things in the Results to File screen globally, as well as set default templates in the Multiple Printout screen. I wish this was a thing they would consider enabling.
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Thanks for the link Tom. I put my request in. I also did not know about this but I now have it saved as a favorite link. 😃
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  • 3 weeks later...
This what I did to get around the issue. I went in and changed the Zeiss slandered (SP) protocol master to match what I wanted. My headers are simple with part # part name etc.. Since Calypso will default to the SP on any new program, it brings up my edited SP instead.
If I want something different I use this same SP but edit it to make it part specific. IE.. add in a serial #, shipping doc # etc...
Took me 3 days to come up with this plan. I still have to change the prg's over to show the SP in my programs buts that easy enough. I just take out the Custom Report in the printout features box. Still a hassle but its working for me.

When I do a full upgrade I will back up my edited stuff. Maybe Calypso will keep my current temps but we shall see....

This is what I did to get around the default SP template. Your mileage may vary..,,,

Also if you change the "Master" it will be over written when you load a Svc Pack etc. After the edit I make a copy of the
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.4\PiWebReportingTemplates folder.. After the upgrade, I over write the files with my edited version and I am back in buisness.

Crap load of work, but hopefully Zeiss will work on this issue
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