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Thickness requirement


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I am fairly new to Calypso and my Contura with VAST XXT - I am trying to figure out the most accurate way to find the thickness of a critical surface for a composite part. I have taken points to create Theoretical planes around a slot on both of the planes (using cartesian distance) - this gives me an overall thickness - I have also used cartesian distance between two points (one on each plane in roughly the same location) in order to isolate areas that may be out of tolerance. Is there a better way of doing this?

Benjamin Brown | 04-20-2018 06:11 PM |
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You're doing the two things I was taught to to with the CMM: 1.) Answer the print, and 2.) generate useful data for operator adjustments. With the distance between two opposing planes, you've answered the print. With opposing points, you've isolated potential problem areas for the operator. Is there another/easier method? Without seeing the print, it's difficult to say.

To me, it looks like you have the correct approach.
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