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Loose Stylii


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Does anyone else with the XTR have issues with the stylus systems working loose after a while?
I try plumbers thread tape on any down extensions and cubes, but they still seem to come loose after a few bumps. We have multiple CMM operators and 3 shifts running 5 days a week plus a weekend workforce, so it gets bumped a lot more than desired.
Does anyone have a fix for this (besides no bumps)?
I hate to use thread lock, but it is an option.
I never had this problem with the Vast-XT Gold

Dane GilmoreGilly | 04-09-2018 01:26 PM |
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Sorry for such low response, I have an XTR but I use simple down probes for most of my work. Never had any work loose.

Dave Scott! | 04-10-2018 03:38 PM |
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I had that problem years ago with my first VAST scanning head. A drop of temporary Locktite worked like a charm. Do not use permanent Locktite. There is a reason they call it permanent and they are not kidding.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've never had an XTR or any problems with styli coming loose.
I guess if you did a lot of scanning you could maybe change all the paths to put pressure against the direction of the thread?

Do you have a torque tool that set's the tightness when installing them? I've never seen one but, if they did, I'd consider increasing the torque.

Owen Long | 04-19-2018 09:43 PM |
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I have one and it only moves if I happen to crash, which isn't very often. It can prove quite annoying if you've built up a decent star or L shaped stylus system and you have to keep aligning it back square...

Shawn Hillegas | 04-20-2018 02:46 PM |
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