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Alignment Question


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I have a part that I'm trying to align with the Datum's required. The bore is aligned to Z and X using a 3D line from circles at each end of the main bore. The two circles that are boxed in red need to have the same values in Z as this is timing the part. I have tried to align it a couple of times, I keep getting discrepancies on the Z X value on the main bore one end is ZX zero and the other end is slightly off by 0.0009" and 0.0003" I have a loop in the alignment. It's like I need to add another rotation for the two holes but there isn't the option to do that? I hope I have explained myself clearly! I know what I would do in PC-DMIS.

Any help would be fully appreciated.


Alignment question 2.JPGAlignment question.JPG

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I think you should be using the 3d Line from your bore as the Spatial Rotation and the 3d Line between the 2 circles on the face as you Planar rotation
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The Spatial Rotation controls rotation around 2 axes. In your case, this would be rotation around X and Z, but not Y The Planar rotation controls rotation around the remaining axis, which is Y in your case.
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With no mention of tolerances or evaluations/restriction required by the drawing, I'd do like Tom mentioned too.
Just remember that when you do a manual alignment to measure the first hole of the line and then the second in the order it was recalled into the 3D line. i.e. If you recalled from the left to the right , measure left first and then right, if you measure right and then left it will flip your alignment.
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Just another question. I scan a circular scan on the datum end but have decided to use an intersection point from the 3D line to that plane as the datum point in Y. I'm using a 50mm with 3mm tip star probe doing the circular scan, with the filter set at "Low pass spline 2.5" is this correct?
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As long as your step width is less than .31mm or .0122"

The differences between Spline and Gauss appear to be negligible however, the preferred method is now Gauss, according to the Cookbook.
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