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custom report question


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Is there a mechanism to only print a physical report if the part is out of tolerance in Calypso? We are currently using custom reporting and not PiWeb
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I'm not sure if this is the correct spot or not, as I've never actually used it, but I think it is probably where you want to look.

If you go into Resources>Define Printout, you can arrange how it reports characteristics (I.E on the Compact/Custom Printout tabs), change the characteristic reporting to only ones triggered by the warning limit.
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First go to “Resources” pull-down menu and choose “Characteristic Setting Editor”. Begin with the drop-down arrow in the upper left hand corner and look for “Printout”. Choose “Warning Limit in %”. Click on the radio button under “Accept for:” called “Measurement Plan”. In the “Set To” drop down enter 100.

Next go to the “Resources” pull-down menu and choose “Define Printout”. Click on the tab called “Custom Printout”. To the right of “Characteristics” click on the drop-down arrow that says “All” and choose “From Warning Limit”.

Warning Limit Image 01.pngWarning Limit Image 02.pngDefine Printout.png

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