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How to get a cone angle to report as an angle?


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Hi guys, hoping I'm asking in the right place as this is my first post. I think its a relatively simple question. I recently took over CMM operation from our old guy, who on his reports always had angles reported as non degree numbers, eg: 80° is currently being reported as 1.4035 instead of 80°. When I open the feature itself, it shows as 80°±2° which is correct, but it just will not report that way no matter what I try.


Please someone help!

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I think this should solve your problem, try it out and let me know if it works for you, go under settings - environment, then there should be a language tab with the different types of angles   



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Thanks for the reply! I actually figured it out in a different area ( Measurement Plan Editor Features > Angle Units- Set to degrees) but I don't see an Environment setting in the CMM settings. Could you walk me through that navigation? I should have noted, we are still running Calypso 2016. 

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