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Calypso start maximized?


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Is there a way to force Calypso to start maximized?

I have Calypso v2022 (latest rev) and it always starts about an inch below full screen.

It's the only install like this, all the others are minimally off maximized.

It's an OCD thing. 😎

Calypso v2022 start up.png

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I used to be able manually adjust the size of the window to fit as much of the screen as possible manually, terminate Calypso, restart, and it would stay that size.

That doesn't appear to work anymore.

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Are you using multiple screens? Then you might want to check Windows' screen settings for any offsets between them. These could affect the opening positions of Calypso windows.

In our setup the search window in Autorun opens in a position that puts its title bar completely off-screen, so it can't be closed again easily (has no OK button). The cause was an (intentional) slight vertical offset between screens.

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I also just stumbled upon this when our new Conturas with two screens both showed the same behavior in Autorun while other single-screen setups with the same Calypso version did not.

I'm an ancient-school user who virtually hates multiple screen configs because new windows always open on the screen I'm currently not looking at, and even worse, the mouse pointer somehow constantly escapes to the other screen and I have to look for it. That's why I put that slight offset in to make the mouse stop at the lower right corner of screen 1 when I want to minimize all windows.

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How much you want me to go with multimonitor? For now i have a testing app to see how i will be able to adjust searching for window and maximizing it.
Works on my pc with manually selected window.

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Additionally, it annoys me that autorun starts maximized.  I wish this option were customizable for both Calypso and Autorun.  A customized workflow layout would be terrific, especially one that allows multiple windows to be open outside of the parent application and have size and position be adjustable.

One can dream.

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I got an idea for those big screens.

This app could store actual positions and sizes so everytime you open Calypso it will fit onetime to that save location.
Something similar came to my mind for feature window to have set location. I am not happy to have that window right around mouse and that other method is not good for me.

I've tested that app on Win11 at home - worked. At work with win7 it does not work 😠 ( not showing opened GUI windows )

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Exactly.  Customizable workspaces.

It's easy to do in Windows using third-party software, but Zeiss has to enable windows in Calypso to be moved outside of the parent application.

I encourage them to emulate other modern software that excels at user interface and workspace layout.   Learn from others who are winning at UX (user experience).

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