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GearPro and Gauge measurement, Effective Space width


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I have an internal Class 6 gear I have programmed up in GearPro which is working and reporting properly, for the most part.  However when I enable Gauge measurement I find I cannot enter the specification for Minimum Effective Circular Space Width (Ev).

The upper and lower tolerance fields are not available to me.  (Nominal value is also other than what I want to see but if I had access to the tolerance fields, I could address this.)

Now when I run with the specification chosen by default my otherwise good gear is reported Not Ok.

Is there some other control I need to adjust in the software to address this?  As far as I can see I have entered all values from the spline table correctly.

On another occasion I got the following result which makes me wonder if GearPro has made a mistake:


Thank you.

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Hi Stanley, without sharing your drawing data and either the GEAR PRO measurement program .gear or an measurement file .act any support is difficult. Can you please share that here or with our support team for analysing this?

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Thank you Roman,

I am in the process of seeing what materials I can share here.  I have a manager here who wants to try and resolve it himself, but we'll see.  I'll be surprised if he finds anything.


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Hello Stanely,


I believe you see something like this in the standard tooth thickness as well. Since the tooth thickness and the gap are not independent of each other (they need to add up to be the pitch), you can only effect the tolerance on one of them. I would probably need to do some additional research to check, but I would bet that's what's happening. Notice how the upper tolerance (in green) on the gap is the -1 times the lower tolerance of the thickness (again the green one)?


I hope that proves helpful.

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Thank you Kyle,

I tried a solution using your suggestion and can now control the Ev specification the way I want.  Now I just have to resolve the 2nd of my Gearpro issues mentioned above.

Really appreciate your help.


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