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Evaluating MMB Modifier Within Calypso


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Hi Guys, first time posting here so I'm hoping I am in the right place. I am trying to evaluate this profile that includes an MMB modifier. I have calypso 2019 and 2022 so I don't currently have access to the Beta GD&T engine. I'm wondering if there is some sort of a formula that I can use to apply this MMB modifier. 

MMB Profile.png

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Here (B) controls only direction along (A) axis within .004 tolerance, rotational is irrelevant.
Andreas told something about in ASME ( if i remember it correctly ) that (B) have to be perpendicular to (A) so you could make 2 alignments where one will have lower state and second will have upper state.

This is type of drawing, where it should be better to have it in standard callouts - form, diameter, concentricity in my opinion.

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