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Quality Suite Crashes While Loading


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I have attempted to install ZQS via a few different sources (ZEISS-Quality-Suite_Installer_6.2.2479.0 and ZQS_ZEISS-INSPECT_Installer_2023.2.0.1520), but all crash during loading. Upon looking at C:\ProgramData\Zeiss\QualitySuite\<>\Suite.txt, I see the following set of errors for 'ARAMIS_24M_Emergent_driver', 'colin3D', 'ConnectedQualityToolsInstaller', 'InstallGigE', 'T-SCAN_hawk'. 

<log4j:event logger="Zeiss.IMT.Suite.Models.Services.SoftwareBundleService" level="WARN" timestamp="1731853116329" thread="1"><log4j:message>version-index file C:\ProgramData\Zeiss\QualitySuite\AvailableSoftware\InstallGigE\13\version-index.json was not found...

<log4j:event logger="Zeiss.IMT.Suite.Models.Services.SoftwareBundleService" level="ERROR" timestamp="1731853116329" thread="1"><log4j:message>Error during creation of dependencies config file (dependencies.json) for 'InstallGigE'...

I have attached a full Suite.txt file.

I would very much appreciate some help.

Thank you very much.




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  • 2 months later...

It sounds like you might be dealing with some missing files or dependency issues. Have you tried running the installer as an admin or checking for any leftover files from previous installations? Sometimes those can cause hiccups.


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