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Quality Suite Crashes While Loading


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I have attempted to install ZQS via a few different sources (ZEISS-Quality-Suite_Installer_6.2.2479.0 and ZQS_ZEISS-INSPECT_Installer_2023.2.0.1520), but all crash during loading. Upon looking at C:\ProgramData\Zeiss\QualitySuite\<>\Suite.txt, I see the following set of errors for 'ARAMIS_24M_Emergent_driver', 'colin3D', 'ConnectedQualityToolsInstaller', 'InstallGigE', 'T-SCAN_hawk'. 

<log4j:event logger="Zeiss.IMT.Suite.Models.Services.SoftwareBundleService" level="WARN" timestamp="1731853116329" thread="1"><log4j:message>version-index file C:\ProgramData\Zeiss\QualitySuite\AvailableSoftware\InstallGigE\13\version-index.json was not found...

<log4j:event logger="Zeiss.IMT.Suite.Models.Services.SoftwareBundleService" level="ERROR" timestamp="1731853116329" thread="1"><log4j:message>Error during creation of dependencies config file (dependencies.json) for 'InstallGigE'...

I have attached a full Suite.txt file.

I would very much appreciate some help.

Thank you very much.




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