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Extract maximum depth of a Cylinder depth of scan?


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I have a Cylinder in the Y axis. It uses two circle paths in the strategy.

it has a depth of .7100".

The first circle path starts at .0710".

The second circle path start at .6390".

The second circle path is the minimum depth I want to scan in this cylinder, the remainder is a larger tolerance.

I know how to calculate the depth from the Cylinder geometry, it's how I set the minimum value (second circle path).

I want to report the depth of the "second circle path". How do I extract this value with PCM??

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Without PCM you can just create a circle using Recall Feature Points of the second circle.

As long as the circle is relative to the appropriate alignment, you can just report the actual Y value for depth. You can also use result element and formula to make adjustments to the actual Y value to represent the depth value you want, if necessary.

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