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Inspect 2025: Connection problems to sensor and rotary table


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Does anyone else experience frequent connection problems to either the sensor (here: ATOS Capsule) or the automation hardware (here: GOM ROT 640) in Inspect 2025?

Almost every time when I start the software after powering up sensor and table, the initial connection to one or both of them fails. In some cases I can establish a connection on the second try, but often no connection is possible at all and I have to power down the devices again and restart the software.


This does NOT happen with software 2023. Sometimes the sensor needs some time until its ready after power-up, but after that the connection always works. Connecting to the rotary table has never failed.

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a wild guess would be some kind of interference by a security program/virus scanner, where Inspect 2025 is not permitted yet. If not, please contact the support with a fresh gomsic, ideally.


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I'll be watching the issue for some time and try some things, but then yes, I'll contact support.

I just wanted to put out a feeler here if this might be an already known problem and possibly software/driver related.

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