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'Machine move' in Calypso? PC-DMIS guy learning Calypso...


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Quick explanation of the part and what I'm trying to do: On my "machine alignment" (after the base alignment..), I had to take points on the bottom face of the part, which is datum A. I take 15 points, 10 of them with the stylus at 90° in the Y- direction, and the last 5 with the stylus at 90° in the X+ direction.  My next dimension, I have to take a 'circle on a cylinder' of a PEM stud on the top side of the part, with the stylus at 0°/0°.

My question is this: If I was programming in DMIS, I would put a machine move command after finishing the datum plane, Run the Z up about 6" to rotate the head, then measure the PEM stud. But, I can't find a "machine move" in Calypso. Does one exist????

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This should all be done through your clearance planes that you set after setting your base alignment.  When checking the plane, make sure your clearance plane is set to the first probe rotation (I take it by your description above that your probe is facing you at the Y- direction), so your clearance plane would be set to Y+.  When you make the rotation to check the other 5 points on your plane, insert a clearance plane between the last point (point 10) and the first point of your next rotation (again, assuming -X).  When you want to rotate to check the pin, make sure your clearance plane is set to Z+.  The machine will automatically move to clearance distances to do the rotations without crashing into the part as long as everything is set correctly.

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Well, the issue is not the rotation inside the plane measurement; both are 90° and all the head needs to do is rotate in Z. The problem is AFTER that dimension, BEFORE the next dimension. In my plane measurement, I ended with a clearance plane in Y+, but the next dimension will be in the Z+ clearance plane. As of right now, the probe head lifts up to Z+ clearance plane, then moves to the PEM, STILL ROTATED to Y-! 

With a case like this in DMIS, I would add 1 command to raise an extra ~6" from the clearance plane, then another command to rotate, then continue. AFAIK, there seems to be no way to just put in a 'machine move' and a 'rotate head' command in Calypso. Am I missing something?? Do I need to add something else at the end of the plane measurement, or something on the PEM measurement command?

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I don't have any RDS CMMs, but 99% of your move will be by using clearance planes... Yes that means your programs may look inefficient, but much of that can be negated via careful use of sub clearance planes and position points as you get more advanced. Clearance plane navigation has it's own advantages vs having to program each position point.

For your specific problem, I believe the solution is under Plan>Navigation> Rotate/Swivel position. I believe that will let you set a safe location for the machine to do it's rotations.

Hopefully somebody more well versed with RDS will confirm that.


Edit: I started writing an edit to explain position points... but then the forum notified me Jeff did exactly that. At least that's a positive of this new forum..

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Hi David.

Thanks for posting about your navigation issue here.   I have several friends who were lifelong PC-DMIS programmers and then felt disoriented when they attempted to do navigation tasks in Calypso.  Things will get better and make more sense if you stick with it.

While there are strengths to both software, Calypso provides a clear advantage when it comes to navigation, although I'll bet this doesn't feel like the case regarding your present issue.

The reason I'm making this claim is because the programmer simply has to spend less time and brainpower planning navigation in Calypso.  It optimizes navigation based on the Clearance Cube and sub clearance planes.

For your present issue, the RDS sensor rotates based on the next stylus assigned for the next feature in the run.  Make sure that the stylus for the next feature of interest is set correctly.  An easy way to do this is to use the Features Settings Editor to both view and assign the stylii to features.

Sometimes I've had to "debug" a stylus assignment that I can't figure out by changing the stylus system in the features settings editor to a different stylus and then back to the one I intend to use.  This has the effect of "refreshing" the stylus assignment.

Also, you can use the "CMM Position" option in the strategy tab of a feature's window to assign discrete moves before, during or after probing.  I sometimes use this option when I want specific path movement inside a clearance plane.  It will resemble the move points you're accustomed to programming in PC-DMIS.  I encourage you to only use this option for specific scenarios regardless of the familiarity.  I think you will really appreciate the navigation planning that is baked into Calypso once you understand it more thoroughly.



CMM Position_move.png

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No need to use a positioning move.  Calypso travels from feature to feature outside of the clearance cube.  So, as long as the cylinder is using CP+Z, everything so move around safely.  When it goes to index the stylus, it will automatically move up in the Z axis to a height where the tip of the -Z stylus is equal to the +Z clearance plane.

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Well, I found my error; somehow I was still set at Y+ (or whatever it was) on the PEM measurement. Quick fix, alles klar, herr Komissar....

BUT.....I ended my program with the last dimension measuring in the Y- direction, and I'm afraid to leave the end like that, should an operator someday forget to raise it, and my 1mm probe tip might rotate into the CMM plate. Oh, well.....

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FWIW, I DID find a "machine move" for use on that A datum on the bottom of the part I was measuring; I went into the Strategies tab when I open the plane for editing, where it shows points and clearance planes. I deleted all the clearance plane moves between points to speed things up, and I noticed that there is a little box up on the top of that window which allows you to add probe moves. It gives you a chart showing all the locations of the points and moves, but they are all in machine coordinates, making for a bit of confusion. BUT, there is also an option of you moving the probe to exactly where you want it, then hitting a button to enter that move! OK, now I can speed things up AND not have to futz around with clearance planes in 3 directions on one feature!

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FYI: <Plan - Navigation - CNC End Park Position - Create New > allows you to set where the head will move to at the end of a program; in this case (+Z)

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Absolutely, David.

That's what I was mentioning in my comment above regarding "CMM Position."  This is in essence a "machine move."  I also use this when I am needing to approach a feature "under" a part similar to the scenario you described.  I just want to re-emphasize that this option is not a work-around for avoiding the clearance cube altogether, but it is an refinement of navigation rather than trying to use multiple clearance planes inside the same feature.  Nice work on figuring this out.

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Well, I've done another part like that, and this time I just used machine moves instead of clearance planes for 20 points with a rotation from Y+ to X- halfway through, as well as a direction change. Time-consuming, but more clear this way.

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David, it's understandable that using machine moves only would be more clear to a long-time PC-DMIS programmer.  I encourage you to make a concerted effort at learning to use the clearance cube functionality, even if it takes a while.

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Another solution is to create individual features based on which RDS angle is being used.  Then, create a final feature and use "Recall Feature Points" from the individual features to populate the final feature.

Recall Feature Points.jpg

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I started out on Virtual DMIS 25 years ago (very similar to (PC DMIS). Calypso's clearance planes make life so much easier.

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Absolutely. I worked for 17 years with UMESS 300 and UMESS-UX, where you had to enter each and every move between touch points manually. Since everything was strictly linear, it could turn into a nightmare to change a large portion of an existing program and tie the loose ends together again properly. Therefore I was truly amazed at how easy navigation around the part can be with Calypso's simple clearance cube system. Yes, it takes away a bit of efficiency from path generation with its rectangular movements, but you gain so much freedom in return. The freedom to rearrange features and characteristics to your liking alone is already worth it.

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One of my early machines used Geomet, and IT was pretty difficult. Didn't program much on that machine, though.

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the Safest way if you have many RDS rotations in your program Run is to declare "Swivel/Rotate Position".  With this, you don't have to specify on a either BEFORE or AFTER a Feature specific CMM position.   This also helps if you want to easily rearrange all your Features & Characteristics to optimize your measurement Run.

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