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comand to home the rotary


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yes rotateAbsolute(0.0) or rotateWithDriveFree(0.0) , Im not sure theres an easy PCM command to technically send it 'home, but since 0.0= home, its' the same idea.


There may be a way from inside Calypso to send the same command you might send from the control panel - but that is deep hidden PCM.


There is also an option in R/T options to home at the start of the run as well everytime as well.



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Option 1: Drive to true machine RT Zero, temporarily

  1. getRTOffset() → if your Base Alignment is aligning the RT to square the part to machine axis, this gets the offset rotation in degrees
  2. rad() → convert the degrees offset into radians
  3. rotateWithDriveFree() → rotate to the radian offset value, getting to the true machine RT Zero

Using rotateAbsolute(), CALYPSO will bark at you to make sure the stylus gets clear b/c it will not use the base alignment or clearance cube to move the probe to safety - or use rotateWithDriveFree(). In practice, I haven't seen any difference between the two... 🤷‍♂️ maybe it's a version issue / relying on undocumented, unsupported PCM functions 😅 But also, most of these moves are after the CNC run has completed & have already backed out to the Clearance Data or End Park Position.

This option, if you use the Rotary Table command window to drive to "0.0000" will drive to the Base Alignment zero, which is likely NOT the machine zero.


Option 2: Drive to true machine RT Zero, semi-permanently (until next base alignment calculation)


rotateReference() appears to be equivalent to a Rotary Table Homing Run -- also an undocumented, unsupported PCM function.

This option resets any calculated offsets from the Base Alignment of the program. So using the Rotary Table commands to drive to "0.0000" will work as expected.


Combine either of these options with "inspection_end_pcm.txt" files and you're zeroing your RT after every run! In theory, the software knows if a program has the RT enabled, so would process the command accordingly.


Updated color of commands!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Many thanks for your answers.

rotateReference() is the command I was searching for. 

I need this between 2 GearPro measurements, because the thread is so long, that I have to home the RT after every tooth.



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