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Zeiss Cookbook


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This may not be the place to ask but if it's not just direct me to where I can. My question is, does anyone know where I can purchase the "Zeiss Cookbook" in North America?

Thanks in advance.

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Zeiss hasn't had any of the books on the US webshop for quite a while now. I don't know where people are getting paper copies now, but you can buy it in mobile app form via Google or Apple. Still $100 because of course, but there it is.

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They are traditionally given at Zeiss Level 1 training. Check the academy page for a date near you. Most of the information will be arbitrary and slightly elementary, but the foundational skills and backend knowledge behind your measurements provided by the class is worth it... That and having access to a Metrology wizard for a couple days is worth its weight in gold.


Yeah, I'm talking about you Patrick.

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Not the cookbook but there should be a folder of digital manuals in the Calypso files you should check out too.  They cover a bunch of things like PCM, Curve, Barcodes, and Piweb.  I am using the 2019 version but I imagine they should be there on newer versions as well.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.8\userinfo\manuals\en

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