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Help needed, PCM application of formula for 2 patterned features?


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I am trying to figure out how to apply a patterned feature to another, and im having trouble figuring out how to do that. Here is the situation. I have a bolt hole circle of Ø16.855 made up of 30 thru holes spaced 12° around a large grid for a customer. Around those holes is a counterbore that I need to measure the depth of. To speed up the process, I measure the thru holes and counterbores using a rotational pattern around the part. One problem I am having is the part is not totally flat, so the Z value of the counterbore depth can either bottom out on the plane of the counterbore, or miss it entirely. To fix this I added a point right next to the feature, and applied the same rotational pattern to it as the thru holes. From there, however, im having trouble figuring out how to apply a formula to each feature in the pattern individually. For ease of explanation, lets say the through hole feature is named Thru Hole(30), counterbore is named Counterbore(30), and Z point is called Point(30). How do I modify the Z value of the feature for Thru Hole(1) to be the actual Z value of Point(1) minus a set amount. And then do that for each feature? So Thru Hole(28) will be the actual value of Point(28) minus a set amount, etc. 


Does anyone have any ideas of how to help me accomplish this?



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Well... to be honest I would probably solve this a totally different way. I don't generally use patterns for a situation where I want to pattern multiple features - I'm picky about naming and numbering - and usually programming for Runtime efficiency, not programming time savings.

If you only need to have the Z adjust of the Plane, you can likely just increase the search distance before and after nominal Feature Settings Editor > Probing > Search Distance Before Nominal Position (and there's another that's for after Nominal Position). Good chance that's going to solve your problem without extra features.



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