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Profile/ curve form / feature control frame


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So I have the two callouts you see. This was a cut section of a surface that has about 25mm depth. Think ice hockey boards. So I did a 2DCurve around the inner and outer surfaces. But this doesn't really fulfill the surface profile. Would adding another curve at another level to both the inner and outer and the compiling them somehow into a FreeForm surface? I've seen colleagues just scan a 2D curve as mentioned and then report CurveForm but I don't think that's right.

A-B is a stepped plane that is parallel to the section.

I'm unsure of what the E>< in the feature control frame is asking. E is a datum that runs perpendicular to the section you see. It, E>< , shows up elsewhere on the print on a tapped hole true position callout of all things.

Thanks in advance.


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This "><" mark should have meaning for direction only - but i can not confirm that now, not infront of my book. But surelly it won't be used as origin.

Perhaps someone from Europe will came. That's rather newer version of ISO.

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I'm guessing that "A-BICID" fully constrains the profile. The callout indicates "All Around"... so I would bet that the "E ><" might be indicating how much of the features height is required to fit the tolerance? Are there any indications in another view?

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A-B are parallel to the section. They are stepped planes.

-E- is a surface perpendicular 90° to the section that runs nearly the same length as the section


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My bigger concern was if FFS is not part of the Calypso package, can I still give them the surface profile they are asking before. Looking through other posts maybe extracting points from two 2D curves at different depths and doing something with that data but what?



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Martin, great find. But I have a question on the OP post. If E sets orientation and not location then, in his case, A_B, C, D, constrain the 6 degrees of freedom that would override -E- as a primary or feature of orientation.

just curious on your thoughts

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I agree, but am not an ISO whiz...


 A-B being a stepped plane is another curve ball.

Maybe constrain A-B + C  to -E- individually then use those in a secondary alignment along with D  and report profile to this ?


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Thanks for additional info.

E >< will lock 2 rotational DoF, A - B will lock 1 rotation left (and 1 translation, but I don't see that translation will be used anyway), C will lock 1 translation, D will lock the last translation.

Datum system looks legit, implementing in Calypso might be a challenge.

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