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I measured material thickness on 30 places, and reported. Now I want to report how many are out of spec, and if there are more then 3 are out, I want some flag on CMM report to show part is REJECTED and if less than 3 are out part is ACCEPTED.

Thank you


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Like this? It's a similar request I had. You could fairly easily modify this for your needs.

Program Pre and Post Settings


Post Settings of each Characteristic to be included in the count. Paintbrush is your friend. 


Result element to display the count.


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Inventive but significantly over-engineered.  There are 2 ways you can do this easier. 

1 - Put that formula in a "plugin_postcharacteristic_pcm.txt" file so you dont have to put it in every characteristic post-setting.

2 - Easier yet - Main Post-settings:

if (inspectionToleranceState("outOfTolerance") > 3) or (inspectionToleranceState("noResult") >3) then


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First, I accidently clicked report on Mr. Penrods post... I think I cancelled it but to any admin that may review. It was unintentional, I was trying to quote quickly and failed...

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Neither of your solutions completely solve the request that was put to me when I did this, or I would have been much happier to simply use the external file. Your solution may solve the OP's question as it will act for the whole program, but that certainly doesn't mean what I did was over-engineered. I'm also curious if you can still get away with not using the characteristic name in the code when it's in an external file reliably? When I did that before I had issues, especially when the program was running in AutoRun - that was an older Calypso version though.

#1 - I needed only a few of the characteristics in the program to have this, the engineer broke out the characteristics into 3 groups, Critical, Normal, and Reference Only. This code needed to act only on the Critical ones. The external file would act on all of them yes?

#2 - Engineer wanted a count of how many of the Critical Features were OOT, which goes back to #1.

#3 - Paintbrush tool to copy the post settings makes it only take a few seconds anyway



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My "over-engineered" statement was based on this being a general requirement for any program.  The specific details of having classes or certain characteristic application makes the solution much more relevant.  Since you have a requirement for different classifications then your solution works best or you could utilize characteristic attributes to establish classes and filter via PCM (or easier via PiWeb report).

An external file would act on each characteristic but a condition statement could be added into the PCM to look for attributes to add to your counter.  This way you specify in your characteristics list of each program the attribute "Critical/General/Reference Only" and the PCM script would add to the specific counter for each class.  Would make this a more modular output that applies anywhere you specify those attributes.

It also then is usable in your PiWeb reporting/filtering as well.  It all depends on how much work you want to put into this.

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I do like the idea of using Characteristic Attributes to denote this, however I've been down this road before and found that the getCFAttribute() doesn't seem to work as expected.

It says "getCFAttribute(AttributeName) or (Characteristic name, Attribute name)"

Okay so I put 


I get:



So it seems I require the characteristic name, even though it says you don't, and even though the PCM manual says you don't. I add the characteristic name getCFAttribute("66 Diameter Ped. ID","u_Operation") or getCFAttribute(getNominal().identifier,"u_Operation"), both DO work and return the expected value.


So I put this version " getCFAttribute(getNominal().identifier,"u_Operation")" in the external PCM file, and it fails due to not being able to correctly grab the characteristic name.


So since you brought it up, how do you correctly use the getCFAttribute() function? I even copy this "OP_NAME=getCFAttribute("u_k0053operation")" right from the PCM manual and it doesn't work.





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