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Program end loaction.


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Hello Everyone,

So during my training last year, the trainer at the end of the program moved the probe out of the way and as far as I can recall he clicked on a box on the tool bar for the probe to go to that location every time at the end of the program. Does anyone know this feature? Or was seeing things? HAHAHA



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Plan-Navigation-CNC End Park Position

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Move the head where you want it to be, Note that the location it will read is for the head itself, not the stylus.

Click on the "MK" icon and it will read the position of the head

When your program is finished your stylus should go to Z+, then travel to that position.

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kannst du mir bitte einen Screenshort von diesem Symbol aus der Startleiste schicken? Ich kenne den nicht. Ab welcher Version gibt es das Symbol? Vielen Dank.

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Hallo Günther,

das müsste ab Version 7.6 (2023) drin sein, findest du unter CNC -> Umfahrwege -> Parkposition CNC-Ende.

Gruß Jens

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