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Maximum point from circle to reference A


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Dear colleagues,

Sorry for my poor english... 🙂

I need your advise how to extract the maximum point of a circle to a given reverence plane ( A ).

The component is a metal lid with a torus as the base. We are looking for the maximum distance from the torus to the edge (reference A). The parallelism of the support of the torus to A must also be checked.
Therefore I need several maximum points of the torus to A to form a plane.
The idea is to measure four circles, extract the maximum point of each circle to A and form a plane from it.

I have no idea how to extract the maximum point of a circle to the reference A.

Any tips?

Thank you very much

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Maximalpunkt Kreis zu A.png

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Use "Caliper Distance"

I think the default is Max, but take a plane on A, then a circle. Set your plane to "Center" and your circle to "Maximum" and you should be good.

However,,,,,, Caliper Distance is dependent on an alignment for its rotation, so when i have a situation similar to the one pictured i create a secondary alignment using the A plane to level and set Z, then the distance will be perpendicular to A. If your A is in the base alignment then you don't need to do this additional step.

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Personally I like Martin's idea of recalling the circle as a plane. Make sure that the plane is constrained to the reference plane and then you should be able to use max point (I'm assuming it would be max point based on the normal vectors, but hypothetically could be min point) to get the highest point.

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Dear Kolleagues,

Thanks a lot for your time! I know, it´s not an easy task...

Recalling the circle points of three circles to build a plane will result in a little strange aligned plane. Please see picture.

I´m sorry martin, I do not know what "OT plane" means. Construct a plane by recall points from geometry or you mean a "theoretical plane". In last case I need a formula to extract the maximum points of all circles.

It seemed that I need curve module and some training to use it 😞

Theoretical-Plane from circle-points.png

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Hallo Karsten,

Martin meint "Äußeres Tangentialelement" als Auswertung, und ich gebe ihm Recht. Du kannst alle deine Punkte in eine Ebene zurückrufen ("Punkte-Rückruf") und diese als äußeres Tangentialelement auswerten, dabei musst du darauf achten, dass der Vektor ("Raumachse") deiner Ebene in -Z liegt (wenn du auf Ebene A ausgerichtet hast), und dass du unter Auswertung den Normalenvektor eingeschränkt hast, wie Kyle oben schrieb.

Gruß Jens



Hello Karsten,

Martin means "outer tangential element" as evaluation, and I agree with him. You can recall all your points in a plane ("recall feature points") and evaluate this as an outer tangential element, but you have to make sure that the space axis of your plane is in -Z (if you have aligned to plane A), and that you have constrained the normal vector under evaluation, as Kyle wrote above.

Regards Jens

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Das war mal ein echtes Highlight für mich! Suuuper vielen Dank!
Es bestätigt das ich nach drei Jahren CALYPSO Nutzung vielleicht 21% (Halbe Wahrheit ) von dem kenne was die Software kann...wenn man denn weiß wo es versteckt ist.

Das werde ich nun noch mal etwas vertiefen...

Daaanke und Gruß




That was a real highlight for me! Thanks a lot!
It confirms that after three years of using CALYPSO I know maybe 21% (half the truth) of what the software can do...if you know where it's hidden.

I will now go into this in more depth...

Thank you and greetings

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