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Clearance group change?


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I am working on a part that I have had a proven program for that has worked great in the past. This time when I went to use the program all of my clearance planes have changed Z+ to Y- and so on. Why does this happen and how to do I change it back. I have been trying to manually change it in the clearance plane group and in the individual feature settings but the changes don't stay. I appreciate any assistance. Thank you.




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If you click on "Cancel" then those changes on CP won't be applied.

I would manually recheck alignment to let machine know how is part laying in workspace ( i still don't know how it's labeled in english for manual alignment ).

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Thanks. These changes are automatically done once I open the program. And I have done a manual alignment several times and it doesn't change the CP.

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Can you screenshot your base alignment or explain how you are clocking rotation on this part? Also, go to Plan>Navigation>Block edges.. and screenshot that too.

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To clarify: Does the screen that you posted pop up whenever you open a program??

It should only open after creating a new base alignment, of modifying an old one. If it is a proven program, then there shouldn't be any need to modify it... curious.

When it asks "Check definition of Clearance Plane - Update Clearance Plane Settings...", I always select "NO" and verify my Clearance Planes in the Feature Settings Editor.

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Always select No when prompted with this prompt. There is no undo. However, you can change in mass on the Measurement Plan Editor Feature page. Travel/ Clearance Plane.

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