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RDS stylus error after machine stop / Contura


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I had an operator stop a program after it stopped inside diameter of a part. Stylus was backed out with rcu and Calypso was rebooted after program would not run. After PC rebooted and Calypso start-up,  These probe database connection errors are appearing. Does the the machine not like the position the RDS is in after reboot/program stop? Thanks in advance!



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No I have not. When I follow these error log files in the past, they sometimes don't provide me with a intelligible lead. I decided to manually (with rcu) jog the head to a 90,0 position and re-booted PC and waited before I tried to start Calypso for a bit. (Older/slower PC and equally older version of Calypso.)

The machine then connected without issue/errors. Not sure. Just a one-off of sorts. Thanks

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