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Single values of a result


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Hello community,

I am quite new to Calypso and all the possibilities it offers. At the moment I am facing a problem regarding export of data.

I have a measured dimension which is tolerated with a maximum material condition and a tolerance of "0". As far as it concers PiWeb export with PDF everything is fine


The correct results is calculated with (M). Is there a possibility to get access to this single result value? To understand why: At the same time I am exporting the data to PiWeb and PDF I am creating a work protocol as TXT which contains the results. This data gets imported via a 3rd party software into SAP. For identification reasons the different dimensions are printed out with "@XXXX@". If I export the extended calculation to the txt-file every single value gets exported, all marked with "@0150@".



Therefor I ask if it is possible to get access to the result "0,000" which is the correct one, maybe via "result element" or a formula?

Hopefully you can understand what I tried to explan 🙂

Thank you very much

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Zeiss certainly has picked a strange method for showing .M in what should be an SPC friendly way, but it fails in a completely standard compliant callout and they make it difficult to hide so you can not confuse people.


It's (actual result/Total Tolerance)*Base Tolerance, and then it reports it as if it was your Base tolerance. so in your case


Which will give you a 0 actual and 0 tolerance in the .M characteristic.


In my result, here's one that works "properly"

(0.185/0.504)*0.2 = 0.07341.... so it reports 0.074 at a 0.2 micron tolerance in the .M characteristic.



Ford has something called the RTM Method that works in all cases. It's a bit more complicated to wrap your head around but it always works.


So if you want the result in a text file just put the formula in, or better yet, use a different one that will always work, especially if you have 0(MMC) often.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much for your explanation.

I will try to get it to run with the details you have provided.

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