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Automatically Saving PDF & Measured Points


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Hello. This is the equation I am using to automatically save PDF:

"P:\Customer Folder"+"\"+getRecordHead("u_InternalJobNo")+"\"+getRecordHead("u_OpNo")+"\"+getRecordHead("u_SerialNo")+".pdf"

As you can see, I am saving Serial No, which doesn't automatically index. Instead, I would like to save Incremental Part Number, because Incremental Part Number automatically indexes after each run. I tried to alter my equation to u_IncrementalPartNumber and that didn't work. Any ideas?

Also, how can I automatically saved measured points after a run?


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In same window there are three button - click "Headers" it will show you all possible from headers - just pick up one with double click - it will place it at the end of path ( so don't forget to correct it )

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At 5:00 marker, shows incremental part number.  Measuring Points can also be saved using same path strategies, though I am not 100% sure if it works with PiWeb Reporting Plus.


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Thanks! The incremental part number is working. Measured points aren't saving whatsoever, however. I tried the output file "Measuring points" and added the .zmp extension. Are there any other ways to save measured points automatically?

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To automatically save measured points, Resources drop down/Results to File/Measuring Points "On" radio button.  Then change limit to 9999999.

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