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Request for a torus feature


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Torus feature please...all turned parts have torus features. Simply creating a section cut and measuring a single circle works most of the time.

But then ask yourself, why do we have a cylinder feature? It is b/c we prefer 3d geometry(cylinder) over 2d geometry(circle). Same thing applies to torus features. In my opinion it is a mandatory feature for any geometric analysis software, pcdmis has it, im hearing calypso has it...

We need a torus feature...I would like to measure both these torus features in one-click and do so in 3d geometry, not have to section the part and create circles, and sometimes multiple circles to average out any inconsistencies.


Also, you are dealing with limited arc circles so they are unstable...using 3d geometry stabilizes the limited arc circle on a section cut.

2 torus.jpg

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